Herat Traders UnionExchange rate in Herat money marketThis mobile app is designed to deliver accurate and timely exchange rates in the Herat currency exchange market, which rates foreign exchange rates in line with both fixed and momentary market developments for dear compatriots using smartphones (Android & iOS). ) Are putting.Parts of this mobile application; 1. Fixed daily rates; which change daily, and are used by government departments, judicial and judicial trials, and the news media. 2. Instant Currency Rates - In this section respected business companies, traders and marketers can get instant information on foreign currency rates. 3. Currency Exchange - In this section, clients can automatically exchange their desired currency at the instant rate. 4. Announcements - In this section important and essential announcements are issued by the Presidency of the Union of Traders.5. About Herat Traders Union: This section reflects, organizations, activities, achievements, charities, cultural, sports, gallery ... on reputable sites (web site, facebook, telegram channels, whatsapp etc.) .) About Herat Traders Union.6. Send Suggestions and Comments: All dear friends can send us your comments and suggestions for better service through this app; thank you for your feedback and help us provide a better service.7. About the Application: Indicates the application sections, how to provide the service, the provider reference, etc.